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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Blog > Common Workplace Injuries for First Responders

Common Workplace Injuries for First Responders

Those that are at the front lines of major emergencies deserve the gratitude and appreciation of all people. It is unsurprising that those who willingly put themselves in harm’s way for the betterment of others are also some of the most at risk to sustain a workplace injury. Wherever one’s job takes one as a first responder, they are entitled to worker’s compensation if they are injured while on the job.

The single most common workplace injury for first responders is that to the back. Back injuries account for roughly ten percent of all injuries sustained by first responders and they are primarily caused by lifting patients, those being rescued, or heavy objects. Back injuries also cause a significant amount of pain over a longer period of time than most injuries and therefore cause more time to be missed from work to recover.

Other common injuries sustained by first responders include strains, sprains, and broken bones. These are also caused by moving people or heavy objects or by accidents that may happen at the scene of an accident or emergency. In some cases, first responders may suffer health problems related to toxic exposure, such as smoke fumes from a fire site, but this is fairly uncommon due to the safety equipment that they run.

If you or someone you know is a first responder who has sustained a workplace injury, then you are entitled to compensation and if this is denied to you, you have the right to fight for it. To learn about how the Franco Law Firm can help you win your worker’s compensation case, please call us at (813) 872-0929.

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