Injured While Working an Under The Table Job

We have talked time and time again about what can happen when employees are injured at work and the types of benefits that are available to them. Worker’s Compensation, for example, can certainly be a saving grace when it comes to injuries and gaining the benefits that you deserve. However, what happens when you are working an “Under the table” job, and obtain a serious injury? Are you still eligible for benefits?
“Under the Table”
When you are working for an employer who does not take out taxes, or require any official documentation/paperwork for you to work for them, that is considered an under the table job. Typically, these jobs are paid in cash in exchange for the services or products that you provide and are not facilitated under large companies or organizations. The reason under the table jobs are becoming more and more prominent, is because they can sometimes save money on all ends for the business, and for the employees. Some of the most common under the table jobs are:
- Babysitting/Nannying
- Yard/Maintenance work
- Cleaning Jobs
- Dog walking/sitting
Even freelance side-gigs such as photography, tutoring, and personal assisting are jobs that can be under the table. Luckily, In Florida, it is required that all businesses with 4 or more employees must carry workers’ compensation insurance. This is not to say that all businesses have 4 or more employees because not all do. It’s also important to note that just because it is required by law, doesn’t mean that all businesses abide by that law.
The unfortunate thing about under the table jobs is that because there is no official documentation or paperwork that proves your employment, all benefits, such as workers’ compensation, can be very difficult to obtain. In reality, collecting worker’s compensation while working an under the table job, is very unheard of and highly unlikely. This does not mean that it’s completely impossible though. Fortunately, some state laws can help the injured person, and if there happens to be any paperwork or documentation, it can be used to your advantage.
Of course, when filing any claim, having an attorney by your side can help take away any unnecessary stress, and greater your chances of obtaining benefits. If you have been injured while working an under the table job, consult with our attorneys so that we can better guide you through the process, and better guide you through the process. Contact our law firm to request a consultation with our personal injury attorneys, today by calling, (813) 872-0929. See you soon!