5 Common Workplace Injuries

Whether you love your job, or your working to pay the bills, accidents can happen, and sometimes these accidents or mishaps can cause a worker to be injured. Although workplace injuries are completely preventable, they still happen due to negligence, rushing, or lack of safety measures. With an abundance of companies starting to return to normal operations, and employees working hard as ever, it’s important to understand and recognize what some of the most common workplace injuries are so that they don’t happen to you.
Muscle strains
Lifting boxes or objects that are too heavy for you to handle can cause severe muscle strains in either the back or neck. Practicing proper lifting techniques, and basic training can be helpful to avoid injuries.
Cuts/ Lacerations
All kinds of workplace equipment can be sharp and if used incorrectly, can result in quite painful cuts on the skin. If safety procedures are not followed or proper protection is not being utilized, injuries are likely to happen.
Falls, Trips, Slips
Slips and trips are a common injury that occurs when proper footwear is not worn, surfaces are uncleaned, floors are wet or oily, or grounds are uneven. For example: A co-worker just mopped the floor, and failed to put out a “Wet Floor” sign. As a result, you slip and fall, and sprain your ankle.
Inhaling Toxic Fumes
Working with hazardous chemicals can cause injuries like skin or eye irritation, or even more serious, cause breathing problems. If working with harmful fumes, be sure to work in a well-ventilated area, and wear all proper protective clothing and gear to ensure safety.
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)
RSI is a term to describe the pain that is felt in tendons, muscles, or nerves, which is a result of repetitive movement. An example of this would be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. To learn more about this, visit our blog on Carpal Tunnel.
Workplace injuries can be difficult for some, but there is relief in the form of workers’ compensation claims, available for all workers in the State of Florida who suffer an injury or contract a disease while on the job. This can be a huge boost to many injured workers since this is a right and not a recommendation for employers. If you live anywhere in the Tampa Bay Area and require legal assistance for a workers’ compensation claim, do not hesitate to give our firm a call at (813) 872-0929 or email rvelez@francofirm.com.