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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > Workers' Compensation > Common Reasons for Denied Workers’ Compensation Claims in Tampa

Common Reasons for Denied Workers’ Compensation Claims in Tampa


Although workers’ compensation in Tampa can provide streamlined compensation after accidents on the job, your claim may be denied for a number of reasons. You may assume that you are automatically entitled to compensation as a valued worker in the United States, but this isn’t always true. Often, workers are forced to fight for this compensation – even after suffering clear and obvious accidents. Here are a few common reasons for denied workers’ comp claims in Tampa:

Failure to Get Medical Treatment

Perhaps the most obvious reason for a denied workers’ comp claim is also the most preventable. If you fail to get medical treatment after your workplace accident, it becomes very difficult to pursue compensation. Why? Because if you neglected to get medical treatment, the implication is that your injury was not very serious. Of course, this may not be true – and you may have avoided treatment for perfectly understandable reasons.

For example, you might have been concerned about your medical bills – especially if you lack insurance. However, it is always important to get medical treatment – even if you’re concerned about costs. A workers’ compensation claim will completely cover these costs anyway, so you should accept all necessary treatment as you recover.

Alleged Impairment at the Workplace

Another common reason for a denied claim is the allegation of impairment. In other words, your employer and their insurance company may attempt to claim you were drunk or high when the accident occurred. Workers’ compensation does not cover accidents if you were impaired at the time – and this may prove to be a major issue for many workers. Perhaps most notably, some employers require you to take drug tests after accidents – ensuring that any intoxication will be detected. That being said, these tests are not always reliable – and your lawyer can help you challenge the accuracy of the results.

Failure to Report the Incident

You should always report your workplace accident to your employer as soon as possible. Make the report in writing, and sign the document if possible. Make copies, and request a written response from your employer acknowledging that they have received your report. If you fail to make a proper report, it may be difficult to prove the accident occurred.

The Workplace Accident Was Not Work-Related

An employee may also attempt to show that the workplace accident was not work-related. For example, they may argue that the accident occurred after you clocked out. They might also claim that the accident took place outside of workplace premises.

Find a Qualified, Experienced Workers’ Compensation Lawyer in Tampa

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation lawyer in Tampa, look no further than the Franco Law Firm. We have been assisting injured Florida workers for years, and we know how frustrating a denied claim can be. Although you might assume that this spells the end of your pursuit of compensation, you can appeal denied claims with help from a workers’ comp lawyer. Book a consultation today and begin appealing your denied claim with our assistance.




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