Electric Scooter Accidents

The time has come where the weather starts to warm up and outdoor events start to pop-up all over. Fortunately, there’s a (semi) new way to travel around town. SCOOTERS! Yes, those annoying little machines that are parked all over Ybor, Channelside, and downtown, are here to stay. Although some may see them as more of a nuisance, If you haven’t had the opportunity to scoot on one yet, then you may be missing out. Not only do the scooters save the environment, but they are also pretty fun. However, they are by no means safe. Riding close to the road with no helmet, surprisingly fast speeds, and obstacles all over the place are just bad accidents waiting to happen. Seriously, these things reach almost 20 MPH. Scooter related injuries are becoming more and more common as they become more accessible to the public, and hospitals all across the U.S. are starting to prove that. So, what do you do after you’ve experienced a scooter-related injury? Are you at fault?
First things first, don’t panic. If you or anyone else is injured, seek medical attention immediately and report the accident. Exchange info with the other party (if any), gather as much evidence as you can, and keep all necessary documents to show to your lawyer afterward. Depending on the situation, It’s feasible that the other party may be held liable for their negligence, and you may be able to file a claim for your injuries.
Typically, The rider is financially responsible for any injury that may be caused due to the fact that there might not be insurance on the scooter that can cover injuries. However, the rental company that owns the scooter could be held liable if the vehicle was already damaged or malfunctioned without your knowledge, or malfunctioned during use, and this resulted in your accident. Where the accident took place is also important because a city may be at fault for the accident if there is any damage to the sidewalks, such as potholes, large cracks, uneven concrete, etc.
Before you even hop on to one of these scooters, read the Terms and Conditions (Don’t just scroll and click accept… We know you have). The terms usually state that the rental provider is not responsible for injuries while using the device. Other agreements include recognition that you are going to follow traffic laws, confirming that you are competent and physically able to ride the scooter, are at least 18 years old, Have reviewed the safety materials provided in the rentals website, and if you’re in FL, that you have a valid driver’s license. (bird.co)
At best, these scooters are a fun and inexpensive way to get around town and definitely help out the environment when it comes to travel. At worst, they can result in a VERY bad accident and cause some serious injury. If you should find yourself in a similar situation, Franco Law Firm wants to help you get you the compensation that you deserve. Contact us at 813.872.0929 or rvelez@francofirm.com. Have fun, and be safe.”