Filing a Workers’ Comp Claim for Retail-Related Repetitive Strain

The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that strains and sprains account for 45% of all grocery store-related injury claims in the nation. The same pattern is true for retail workers in clothing stores, hardware stores, and numerous other establishments throughout Florida. Repetitive strain is very common for those who bend, twist, and lift throughout the day. Although ringing an item through a till might seem like an easy task, it can put immense pressure on joints when repeated throughout the day. Can you file a workers’ compensation claim in Tampa for this type of injury?
Repetitive Strain is a Legitimate Injury
The first thing you need to understand is that repetitive strain represents a legitimate injury for retail workers. Even though some might dismiss these injuries as “moderate,” you have every right to cease work if you start experiencing this issue. In fact, you should cease work as soon as you notice any pain or discomfort associated with repetitive strain – as your injury may become progressively worse if you continue the same tasks despite these warning signs.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), there are several repetitive strain injuries that are especially common among grocery store workers. These include carpal tunnel syndrome and various motion-related disorders involving the wrists, hands, elbows, and shoulders. These injuries are often associated with ringing items through tills in an extremely repetitive fashion.
The BLS also states that grocery store injuries of this nature frequently result in damage to the nervous system. These injuries are often permanent, and it can be very difficult to heal from damage to the peripheral ganglia. Many grocery store workers also lift boxes, crates, and cartons on a daily basis. These actions are highly repetitive and can cause serious injuries to the spine. The BLS points out that many musculoskeletal disorders have been linked with repetitive motions.
OSHA also highlights numerous specific injuries associated with repetitive motions, including tendonitis, rotator cuff injuries, epicondylitis, and trigger finger.
The Value of Early Injury Reporting
Retail employees and employers must prioritize early injury reporting to limit long-term effects of repetitive strain. As soon as you become aware of your repetitive strain injury, do not hesitate to report it to your employer. If your employer forces you to continue working, they may be committing an act of clear employer misconduct. Make sure to put your injury report in writing to ensure you have the evidence you need when filing a workers’ compensation claim.
Find a Qualified, Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney in Tampa
Although repetitive strain might not be as “dramatic” as an amputation or traumatic head injury, it still has the potential to drastically affect your life. If you have suffered a repetitive strain injury while working a retail job in Florida, you have every right to explore your legal options for compensation. This is especially true if your injury is preventing you from working. Rest assured that with a workers’ compensation claim in Tampa, you can pursue the funds you need to access medical treatment and rest. Book your consultation with the Tampa workers’ compensation lawyers at the Franco Law Firm to discuss your options in more detail.