Florida Worker Injured in Crane Collapse: Why Does this Keep Happening?

In a first-world country like the United States, crane collapses are supposed to be very rare. Construction sites are supposed to adhere to strict safety regulations with meticulous oversight. As a general rule, crane collapses only occur in situations of reckless negligence. Although freak accidents and extreme weather events are always possible, most crane collapses can be attributed to human error. Yet another crane collapse in Florida has left a worker injured, and we need to ask ourselves why these accidents are becoming so common in the Sunshine State.
Serious Injuries Reported After Gulf Stream Crane Collapse
On October 25th of 2023, it was reported that a worker had suffered “serious injuries” after a crane collapse at a Gulf Stream construction site. Fire Rescue provided a shocking report to WPBF News, stating that the worker “attempted to jump off the crane” as it was toppling to the ground. Most construction workers shudder when they think of such extreme situations, and it goes without saying that the chances of surviving such an incident are relatively slim.
Authorities say that the injured worker was quickly transported to a nearby hospital for treatment, and it is unclear whether he will survive. Very few details emerged regarding the severity of his injuries, although they seem to be quite serious. The OSHA is apparently looking into the incident, and this investigation may reveal negligence on the part of the employer or contractor. It seems as though the crane was located on a barge when it fell over, and the accident occurred on the Intracoastal Waterway.
Florida Has Seen Too Many Recent Crane Collapses
Over the course of 2023, Florida has seen a worrying number of crane collapses. In August of this year, a crane collapse in Miami killed one person and injured a further four. The incident occurred at HCA Florida Mercy Hospital. Earlier in October, a crane collapsed in Orlando, killing one and injuring another. In December of 2022, a crane collapsed in Broward County, killing one worker. In June of 2023, four workers were hospitalized after a crane in Delray Beach collapsed.
These are only a few recent examples, and there have been many other crane collapses throughout the past few years. It goes without saying that the frequency of crane collapses in Florida is completely unacceptable. Workers deserve the right to feel confident about their own safety when they show up each day – whether there is a crane at the construction site or not.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Workers’ Comp Attorney in Tampa?
If you’ve been injured in a crane collapse or any other construction accident, you can pursue compensation with greater efficiency and confidence alongside a qualified, experienced workers’ compensation attorney in Tampa. Choose the Franco Law Firm to immediately get started with an effective action plan. Even if your claim has already been denied, you can appeal your claim with our assistance. We can also help you sue negligent third parties that caused reckless accidents such as crane collapses. Reach out today to discuss the most appropriate course of action.