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Tampa Workers' Compensation Lawyer > Blog > General > What You Need to Prove a Disability Claim

What You Need to Prove a Disability Claim

You’re out of work or even forced to continue working in order to support yourself, you’re in pain, and struggling. Filing a disability claim may be the best next step for you in your journey to recovery. However, there are a few things you’ll need in order to prove a disability claim. It can be difficult to prove a disability claim so involving an attorney might be the best way to go.

Social Security may be able to help you if you apply for disability because of an injury or condition that has taken you out of work and will keep you out for more than a year. It may be difficult to understand whether or not you qualify. The Social Security Administration has also compiled a list of conditions with different levels of severity that qualify disability. It may be helpful to take a look at this list to see if you qualify before meeting with your attorney to understand where you stand. It is also helpful to tell your attorney how sever your medical condition is and include information about whether or not it has kept you out of work.

If you feel like you qualify for Social Security Disability, the first step is to collect all of the necessary paperwork. For example, your attorney will need a plethora of documents to help prove a disability claim. Documents like education history, two years of work history, social security number, marital status, and citizenship status are all necessary for proving disability. It may also be helpful to include your doctor or medical professional in this process. Whether you obtain a written statement or more, having their expert opinion on hand can definitely help your case. Also make note that you are allowed to appeal the decision made by the Social Security Administration and that you have the right to an attorney.  

It can feel overwhelmingly difficult to prove a disability claim. It may seem as if there is too much work to be done and paperwork to go over when you know what you deserve. Franco Law Firm will be here to help. To learn more about disability claims or to schedule a free consultation, please call us at (813) 872-0929.

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